Intestinal Malrotation (Mid Gut Volvulus)

Intestinal malrotation due to the cessation of normal intestinal rotation in the fetus. The gastrointestinal tract divides into the foregut, midgut, and hindgut. The small and large intestines undergo rapid growth during weeks four and five of development. [1] It is theorized that the intestines outgrow the space in the abdominal cavity causing them to… Read More Intestinal Malrotation (Mid Gut Volvulus)

Mineralizing Lenticulostriate Vasculopathy

Mineralizing lenticulostriate vasculopathy (MLSV) is a medical condition that primarily affects the blood vessels in the brain, specifically the lenticulostriate arteries. These arteries are small, deep branches of the middle cerebral artery, and they supply blood to various deep brain structures, including the basal ganglia. Here are some key points to know about mineralizing lenticulostriate… Read More Mineralizing Lenticulostriate Vasculopathy


Henry Suarez RDMS (AB, OB/GYN, PS) RVT Gynecomastia Gynecomastia is benign proliferation of ductal epithelium in the retroareolar region in men, believed to have been first introduced in the second century A.D. The phrase gynecomastia (also spelled gynaecomastia); “gyne” (Greek, γυνή/gyne which means woman or female) and “mastos” (Greek mastos “woman’s breast,”). The first mention… Read More Gynecomastia


Case An adolescent patient presented for ultrasound with a history of tachycardia and diaphoresis. On ultrasound examination a heterogenous mass was seen medial to the left renal pelvis which was determined to be extra adrenal pheochromocytoma after further investigation. Pheochromocytoma’s are rare adrenal tumors that arise from the medulla (chromaffin cell tumors) derived from the… Read More Pheochromocytoma

Phyllodes Tumor

Henry Suarez RDMS (AB, OB/GYN, PS) RVT Phyllodes Tumor Phyllodes tumors are uncommon breast lesions that consist of connective tissue and epithelium. The spectrum of behavior from phyllodes ranges from benign (comparable to fibroadenoma) to malignant with metastatic potential. Historically these lesions were called cystosarcoma phyllodes, though now are referred to as phyllodes due to… Read More Phyllodes Tumor